The Features of Indian Federal Structure

Riday Mukherjee
Amity Law School, Amity University Jharkhand, Ranchi, India

Volume II – Issue I, 2020

The Constitution of India it lies down and gives all the detail about the Fundamental political code, structure, procedures, powers, and duties of government institutions. Indian Constitution is neither purely federal in nature or nor it is unitary in nature. The Constitution of India cannot copyright and imposed the features of the constitution that are taken from other countries because some countries are already being a developed nation as compare to our nation that is on phase of development. The Constitution of India has a constituent assembly also and the Constitution of India was created by a Constituent Assembly and not by the Parliament of India. It was adopted by the people of India with a special deceleration in the Preamble. The Constitution of India is written and supreme on its own. The Constitution also establishes a Supreme Court to decide the disputes between the Union and States. India has however chosen its own brand of Socialism that means a mixed economy. The term Secularism means a State which has no religion of its own as recognized religion of State.


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