India-China Face off: A Failure to Diplomacy

Anima Yadav and Sandeep Rana
Chandigarh University, Gharuan, India

Volume II – Issue I, 2020

The faceoff between India and China at the border raises the question about Chinese incursion and interest in the valley. Both countries have different perceptions owing to unresolved and undemarcated boundary, which lead to transgressions and face off along the line of actual control (LAC). As of June 2020, soldiers from both the armies have clashed on several occasions in ladakh. The aim of this paper is to analyze in detail the history of border dispute to understand historical claims, PLA’s incursion and interest over the Indian Territory and determine identification of territory.  This paper also discusses in detail the India-china border dispute, the recent doklam issue and initiatives and agreements to resolve Indo-china border issue. This paper concludes that although this is not a routine face to face conflict, however it is not gearing up to full scale war. It is the time to demonstrate strategic signaling and that can be achieved by having a robust presence at valleys. In the alternative, both the nations may constitute a panel of experts to determine the boundary line and based on the expert determination, a final decision by an agreement may be worked out.


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