Enforceability of Patent Rights in Agro Biotech Industry: A Challengew

Viral Maru
Institute of law, Nirma University, India.

Volume II – Issue I, 2020

The agro biotechnology industry of India is continuously expanding. The Indian agro biotechnology did not had a head start but still the industry is blooming at a slow pace. This article talks about the impact of IPR in agro biotechnological industry. It describes about principal types of IPR which are in relation to agricultural research: copyright, patents, trade secrets, confidential information, trademarks, and plant variety rights. Commitment and roles of developing countries under TRIPS is also reviewed. The positive and negative effect of IPR on crop bio security and farmers’ is highlighted. Though India is yet to produce an exceptional biotechnology product, it has excessive science support and has the potential to generate a lot of revenue. In the last two decades, the academic front and industrial sector of the Indian biotech industry has noticed a number of scattered and fitful initiatives.


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