A Study on the Social Acceptance of the LGBT People
Dr. Ambedkar Government Law College, Pattaraiperumbudur, India
Volume III – Issue II, 2021
This paper deals with the concept of right to equality with reference to Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender community. The LGBT communities all around the world have been in a constant battle against the discrimination they face on a daily basis. In the west the LGBT movement, had emerged “with and out of the women’s movements, fore grounded the idea of pleasure, the LGBT movement here really came into existence piggybacking on the AIDS crisis and remedial action. The prevalence of homosexuality is difficult to estimate for many reasons, including the associated stigma and social repression, the unrepresentative samples surveyed and the failure to distinguish desire, behaviour and identity. The researcher has discussed about nature of LGBT People, discrimination in the society, violation of their rights including fundamental rights and human rights. The researcher also tried to give focus on legal definition and its scope, lacunas, issues and challenges before LGBT minority people in India. To find the statistical relationship between acceptance and legal inclusiveness. The paper deals with the legal inclusiveness and social acceptance of the LGBT individuals and the impact of the respondents age group and their social acceptance of the LGBT people. To conclude attitudes of the people in the society has changed in such a manner to accept and support the LGBT individuals, provide them with education, hire them for employment and treat them equally. The sample size is 774. The researcher has used frequency, chi-square and correlation technique to find the results of the survey.
Keywords: LGBT – Social acceptance – employment – Family – NGO.