Facial Recognition Technology and its Implications on Privacy: An Indian Perspective 

Rishabh Sen Gupta and Utkarsh Ahuja
National Law University and Judicial Academy, Assam, India

Volume II – Issue I, 2020

The world we live in today is seeing the advancement of technology at a rapid pace. What only existed in fiction a few decades back has become the reality we live in today. One such fictional circumstance which might turn into a dastardly reality in the not so distant future is the fear of being under constant vigilance as seen through the portrayal of ‘Big Brother’ in George Orwell’s dystopian fantasy, 1984.  

Although the idea might seem farfetched the consequences of facial recognition technology and the threat it may pose in the future should not be treaded upon lightly. If it goes unregulated it may prove to be a threat to the very notion of democracy we cherish thus, there has been a severe outcry regarding its use especially with regards to the implications it might have on privacy. With India on the verge of becoming a goliath in the world economy, it is also on its way of setting up the biggest facial recognition system in the world. In this article the author’s seek to address the concerns regarding privacy while pin pointing lacunae in the existing legal regime and also suggesting recommendations with the intent that India’s transition into a digital economy is a smooth one with minimal setbacks.


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