Impact of Covid-19 on Education Sector

Sneha Srivastava
Banasthali Vidyapith Rajasthan, India.
Vedanti Sharma
Banaras Hindu University, India.

Volume II – Issue II, 2020

The article deals with the detailing of impact of Corona virus on education sector across the world and the strategies to enhance online learning for easiness of students. Universities and schools are places where students study and live in campus surrounding with each other. Currently, this surrounding has been affected by rapid spread of pandemic virus Governments of every country have closed the educational institutions on temporary basis on order to stop or minimize the spread of corona virus. Efforts to stop the spread of corona virus through protective measures such as self isolation and social distancing have lead to closure of schools and universities across the world. The pandemic corona has affected the education sector across the world. The closure affected 70 % of student’s population. By 18 May, 2020 nearly 1.8 billion students are affected due to closures of schools and institutions. UNICEF said 191 countries have implemented closing of schools and universities and 5 countries have closed local schools. The closing does not only affect families, teachers and students but also it affects society and our economy.Cities that have been implemented such rules had not reached to peak of mortality rates. But the effectiveness will only be shown when students contact less outside also. Strategies to overcome the problem of education sector can be establishing digital learning and digital skills of students and teachers. 

Keywords: Corona virus, Education Sector, Students and Digital Learning.


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