Right to Freedom of Speech and Expression

Madhu Singh
Shambhunath Institute of Law, Jhalwa, Prayagraj (UP), India.

Volume III – Issue I, 2021

The freedom of speech is considered as the first condition of liberty. Freedom of speech and expression means the right to express one’s own conviction and opinion freely by words of mouth, writing or any mode. The person have the right to express their thought, their view, their idea especially without fear of punishment freedom of speech is guaranteed not by the constitution only but also by various international convection like universal declaration of human right, European convention on human right

Article 19 (1) (a) of the constitution of India provides and guarantees to all its citizen the right of Freedom of speech and expression. whereas article 19(2) allow for reasonable restriction to be imposed on all fundamental right including that of freedom to speech and expression. the preamble of Constitution provides liberty to all its citizens. Preamble of Constitution itself ensure to all citizen liberty of thought, expression, belief, faith and worship. In Romesh Thappar Versus Union of India Justice Patanjali has rightfully held that 19(1) is the very basic and essence of the constitution and our democracy reasonable restriction, however he noted should be such that other rights should not be effected by the act of one man

Through this Article it can be easily concluded that right to freedom of Speech and Expression is one of the important fundamental right. It gives us to power to put over thought, our point, our ideas forward this fundamental right gives us immense power but not in the case if it hurt sentiments and morality of others.


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