Scope of Criminal Psychology

Nagendra Singh and Neha Maheshwari
Manipal University Jaipur, India.

Volume II – Issue III, 2020

Whenever a person commits crime there are always some reasons behind it. Reasons are basically the building blocks of psychology. whenever any person feels that he has so strong reasons behind which he can hide and commit the crime than these reasons are nothing short of criminal psychology of that person. And whenever the questions comes that what all things can be done to prevent or lessen the ever increasing crime rate. Than the first step which should be taken to prevent the crime rate is to understand the psychology of the criminal because psychology ultimately develops from reasons and unless the reasons are known it is just impossible to stop the crime rate.Sso for this particular reason the role of criminal psychologist comes into play. This paper describes the character and role of criminal psychologist in today’s world in which the crime rate is increasing like never before. From starting with the basic notions of criminal psychology till the duties or functions which are required to be performed by criminal psychologist each and every thing has been discussed in this paper in detail. History of criminal psychology has been discussed in depth. The reasons behind the growth of this branch of criminal science have been elaborated. While discussing all these aspects of criminal psychology there is one major sub-topic in this paper which has been described in detail which often creates confusion in the mind of people that is differences in criminal psychology and forensic psychology. Generally people misunderstand this concept because these two branches are so similar in nature that often people end up getting consfused while reading this concept. But on the other hand it is true that these two have some distinct and unique features of their own and the same have been discussed in the paper in detail.


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