Legal Literacy: Need to Go a Long Way for the Much-Desired Impression

Daisy Changmai
National Law University and Judicial Academy, India.

Volume II – Issue I, 2020

Legal literacy assumes the predominant right along with other basic human rights of an individual with the passage of time. A man to complete his education, legal knowledge is core to his qualification. Legal literacy aims at educate people about his rights and entitlements, to voice against exploitations and violations and live a dignified life. Significance of legal literacy can be traced since childhood to the old age; people of all age are needed to learn about required legal knowledge. In view of the growing importance on legal literacy, government and judiciary have taken a good number of initiatives to impart legal awareness among people. The Legal Service Authority Act, 1987 performed profoundly by enacting numerous larger public interest-oriented provisions in it. NALSA under banner of the Legal Service Authority Act is proved to be a very efficient machinery in extending public awareness. Undoubtedly, legal literacy has covered a great journey, but it has more miles to go to achieve the expected outcomes. It does mean that a lot more effort to be added in the prevailing techniques of awareness with more simplicity and at the same time more expertise. Social thought making process should be built with new bricks and stones because united we stands, divide we fall. Once the society stands together against all evils, one can dare to commit crime against anyone. And for this to come true, efforts must come from both side of the coin; that is to say interest must come from those who will taught and learners i.e., who will be taught about law.


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