Major Problems of Prison Administration in India

Utkarsh Sharma 
United World School of Law, Gandhinagar

Volume II – Issue I, 2020

Prison is one of the utmost important subject of research as it is an important part of our social system. On the first note it is clear that prison is aisolated social system and can be evaluated much easier in the perspective of  social system than any other thing. Our society is too big and complex to study if we want to. On the other note, the correctional institution is a form of total institution which have two subsystems: the staffs and inmates. At last, this type of institution are comparatively separated and are different from other organizations in the matter of control mechanisms but they also has an interaction with outside. The Word ‘prison’ in Prisons Act doesn’t includes subsidiary jails and the police custody. The concepts of International human rights law was also developed from the word prison itself. Prison is only a place for convicts as per their norms. The lack of management in these place are a matter of serious concern with its exponential growth. This article tries to throw some light upon such complexions which are today’s toxic problems which Indian prison administration is facing.


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