Unheard Truths of Women Life’s
Manipal University Jaipur, India.
Volume II – Issue II, 2020
There are lot of explanation as the why crimes against women occur. Half of the world’s population constitutes women. Women play vital role in development of society currently crime against women is a burning problem in India. In India women are subjected to violate attacks, rapes, child marriage and forced marriage, sexual abuse of female child, sexual harassment at workplace, marital rape, female genital mutilation, female feticide etc. The normalization of the abuse and the vulnerably of the women is some of the causers, although the tradition culture structure is one of the main reasons prevailing rates of crimes against women, the modern day mass media add on to this by creating stedrotyopopes of women as sexualized object more fuel to prevailing fire. Crime against women imposed significant social obstructions in many developing countries, the relationship between crime incidents and women’s development is expected to be recursive where poor, economic and social status causes increased vulnerability among women which exposes them to the greater threat of violence against women including horrid crimes. The problem is grossly under – reported a number of incidents further neglected for crime against women an inefficient law enforcing machinery has been largely increasing the crime rate against women. Violence against women in India has gathered considerable attention in recent years with increasing public policy debates and current laws needs urgent legal reforms. Many steps have been taken through the years for the benefit of women, government and NGOs have been working towards this cause, to some extend have been successful too. Many such acts and laws have under gone amendments from time to time according to the changing patterns of crime so that women in modern world can lead a dignified life without any discrimination in a society which may be considered safe for women, but bon the other hand we as society also responsible for it somewhere.