United Nations Environmental Programme and the Role of UNEP in the Development of International Environmental Law
Amity University, Kolkata, India.
Volume II – Issue II, 2020
Under International Law, there are two types of law- the hard law and – the soft law. The hard law refers to agreements or principles that are directly enforceable by a national or international body and soft laws are agreements and principles that are meant to influence the nation to take action for the betterment of the country and the people. The United Nations Environment Programme was established in 1972 to address environmental issues at the global and regional level. The UNEP generally consists of soft laws, laws based on treaties, conventions but in case of extra territorial damages and when countries are binding under a treaty and there is a breach in it, matters can be brought under International Court of Justice. United Nations Environment Programmes mission is to care for the environment, safeguard the environment, and protect the rights of human to a proper and clean environment for the present and future generation. UNEP provides leadership and encourages partnership with different countries for the protection of the environment in a global and regional level. The UNEP is governed by the United Nations Environmental Assembly (UNEA), it addresses the critical environmental challenges, make laws and creates agendas for preserving and rehabilitating the environment. This paper has been written on non-doctrinal research basis and consists of a detailed study of the functioning of UNEP, the established norms under international law and UNEP. It’s role in the sustainable development of the economy, contribution to green economy and to combat climate change. The paper also signifies the role of United Nations Environment Programme in the development of International environmental law.
Keywords: International law, UNEP, Sustainable development, Safeguarding, Global.